Let's leave it to the experts.
When doctor supervision is removed from administering anesthesia, it lowers the standard of care and jeopardizes patient lives.
Who We Are
NJ Doctors for Patient Safety is a coalition group of physicians dedicated to promoting policies that protect patients and improve medical outcomes.
We greatly value the role of nurse anesthetists and their outstanding service to the medical profession. However, we firmly believe that doctors should be closely involved when anesthesia is administered to a patient. Numerous studies have shown that this approach improves the quality of patient care and reduces the risk of harm.
Help us protect New Jersey patients by telling your legislator to ensure that Advanced Practice Nurses who give anesthesia continue to work under the supervision of a licensed physician anesthesiologist.

Key Facts
Physician Anesthesiologist Care Decreases Risk of Death and Complications
The odds of death are 8 percent higher among patients whose anesthesia was not provided by a physician anesthesiologist.
Hospitalization After Surgery Far Less Likely if Physician Anesthesiologist Provides Care
The odds of an unexpected medical outcome are 80 percent higher when a nurse anesthetist provides the care than when a physician anesthesiologist provides the care.
Patients Don't Benefit When States Opt Out of Physician-Led Anesthesia Care
Patients do not have increased access to surgical care and anesthesia in opt-out states. Further, inpatient surgical care costs are 8.7% higher in opt-out states.